
OSD Updated May 21, 2023

This function requires elevated Admin Rights

This is the function that will create an OSDCloud Workspace from your active OSDCloud Template. If you have multiple OSDCloud Templates, it's a good idea to check the one you are currently using and to change it if necessary. In this example below I'm changing to a patched WinRE as my OSDCloud Template

PS C:\> Get-OSDCloudTemplate
C:\ProgramData\OSDCloud\Templates\WinPE KB5026372

PS C:\> Get-OSDCloudTemplateNames
Public WinPE
Public WinPE KB5026372
Public WinRE
Public WinRE KB5026372
WinPE KB5026372
WinPE Language en Dvorak
WinPE Language en es fr
WinPE Language fr en es
WinRE KB5026372

PS C:\> Set-OSDCloudTemplate -Name 'WinRE KB5026372'
C:\ProgramData\OSDCloud\Templates\WinRE KB5026372

Now that I've checked my OSDCloud Template, I'll create a new OSDCloud Workspace. By default, the OSDCloud Workspace is created at C:\OSDCloud but I can change the default by specifying a WorkspacePath

Last updated